
Classify vocabulary about The House

Let's play with vocabulary about THE  HOUSE. https://uruguayeduca.anep.edu.uy/recursos-educativos/3108


A continuación encontrarás los temas para la prueba. Good luck!! Temas para prueba semestral - INGLÉS - 1er año Ciclo Básico Prof. Jimena Larraz - Julio , 201 9 Question words (what? / where? / when? / how old? ) Verbo to be (am, is, are) There is / There are Preposiciones de lugar ( on, in, under, next to, between, near, opposite) Partes del día: (in the) morning , (in the) afternoon, (in the) evening Preposiciones de tiempo (on, in, at) (examples: on Monday , in September, at six o´clock) Presente Simple Producir un párrafo presentándose e incluyendo información personal. Descripción de su casa Descripción del dormitorio y ubicación de sus pertenencias Vocabulario El alfabeto Colores Números del 0 al 100 Asignaturas liceales (Maths, History, etc) Objetos escolares (bo

My Week - Routine

Routines:  let's practice with a game!! Go to:      http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/daily-routine

Welcome to my world!

          We worked in class about Max Carter and his family (introducing myself, family members).


Let's work with Marina's family. Go to the link and do the activities. https://clic.xtec.cat/projects/marina/jclic.js/index.html


Activities and games about the routine https://clic.xtec.cat/projects/routines/jclic.js/index.html